Leadership concept usually inter related with the power concept. Leaders are identified by power, therefore public opinion state that leader has a power. Nowadays, people urgently need a caring and servant leader. This research focus on the leader in LentengAgung region, South Jakarta. Susan Jasmine Zulkifli is now become leader (Lurah) who has been elected by Jakarta government province auction method. The question arises; does the leader implement the servant leadership? The auction method has done in order to find a competence and performance leader. Servant leadership has been initiated by Greenleaf since 1970. There are ten main characters of servant leaderships: listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship,human resources development and commitment to build community. Many obstacles happened during her first career as a leader. Her subordinate faced difficulties to follow her leadership style. From the time being, the LentengAgung region’s staffs could implement the servant leadership concept by following Susan style. She motivates her employees to serve public with quick service, professional and friendly way.Servant leadership implementation impacts a positive feedback from people accordance to quick service.Moreover this is proven by expression to the satisfaction of a good service by Jakarta Governor during an impromptu visit to the Lenteng Agung.
Implementation of Servant Leadership’s Behavior (case study :LentengAgung Region, South Jakarta) by Veronika Trimardhany, GraciaRachmi A and Yuliana Riana P.
By sujatmiko|2015-06-29T07:15:49+00:00June 29th, 2015|Research Projects, Uncategorized, UPDATE|Comments Off on Implementation of Servant Leadership’s Behavior (case study :LentengAgung Region, South Jakarta) by Veronika Trimardhany, GraciaRachmi A and Yuliana Riana P.
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