Marketing, Marketing Communication, Public Relations, and New Media
Elke Alexandrina graduated her bachelor degree from Arizona State University, majoring Management Information System and she took master of science (MSc) at Western International University, majoring Management Information System. She teaches several subjects such as Marketing Online, PR Online, Kapita Selekta Marketing, Introduction to Marketing, International Marketing, Marketing Communication, and Business Administration.
Researcher’s Projects :
2014 Penggunaan Media Online Sebagai Alat Publikasi Museum Keramik dan Senirupa Jakarta ( with Imanuel Enrico H)
Community Service Projects :
2015, as speaker in Training Optimizing Customer Service Through Digital Media at PT Hutchison 3 Indonesia.
2014, Training Report Writing and Presentation Skills Program employees and Jiwasraya, sources external parties.
2014, training high school teachers.
2014, the jury in Jakarta Student Company Competition at the Department of Education, Jakarta
2013, Briefing 1 Lower Dam vocational students. Sourcesurces LSPR
2013, Communication Training to employees Jamsourcesstek, External Sources parties.
2013, the training and debriefing Finalist Abang None Jakarta Barat, West Jakarta Sub-dept sources
2013, Briefing Personal Branding for Pageant Beauty Contestant
2013, the employee stock purchasing the insurance company regarding the division of time as a housewife who works, sources Working Mother Magazine