Imanuel Enrico Hutagalung M.ScLecturer, Deputy Director III-Student Affairs
Research interest :

Marketing, Entrepreneurship and International Marketing


Imanuel Enrico Hutagalung M.Sc graduated from Master of Science (M.Sc) at University of Wolverhampton-United Kingdom majoring Marketing. He is lecturer at London School of Public Relations – Jakarta. He teaches several subjects, for example ; Entrepreneurship Project, Team & Project Management, Selling & Sales Management, Introduction to Marketing, and International Marketing. He is also Thesis Advisor for the students from Public Relations and Marketing majors

Researcher’s Projects

2014 – now, Penggunaan Media Online Sebagai Alat Publikasi Museum Keramik dan Senirupa Jakarta

Community Service Projects

2012, as a speaker on Effective Communication at HKBP Pasar Rebo

2013, as a speaker on Effective Communication Through Teamwork at HKBP Pasar Rebo

2014, as a judges in Jakarta Student Company Competition at Dinas Pendidikan DKI Jakarta

2014, as a speaker on Branding Social Network2

2014, as a speaker on Personality Development

2014, as a speaker on Effective Communication at HKBP Pasar Rebo

2014, as a speaker on Career in Communication at SMA Ora Et Labora, BSD Serpong, Tangerang

2014, as speaker on Leadership Skill at SMA PSKD 7, Depok.

2014, as speaker on Entrepreneurship at SMA Santo Yoseph, Jakarta Timur.

2014, as speaker on Negotiation Skill at SMA BPK 7 Penabur, Jakarta

2014, as a speaker on Personal Branding & Public Speaking, L Men & Hilo

2014, as a speaker on Career in Communication, SMA Pelita Kasih