Brand Image Influence on Cosmetic Products Buying Decision By Consumers (Survey On PT. Sariayu Martha Tilaar’s Consumer, Jakarta)

Development era encourage women to become increasingly concerned with beauty matter. One of media that can meet the basic needs of female beauty is cosmetic products. Besides as a need fulfillment, cosmetic products is also a means for women to clarify the social identity in society. In order to meet the needs of these women, cosmetic companies competed to produce quality products and create a better image so that it can be chosen by consumers.

The purpose of this study was to determined the influence of Sariayu Martha Tilaar lipstick’s brand image on purchasing decisions by consumers. Research method used in this research is descriptive quantitative method which the data was collected through questionnaire distribution. Researchers chose 50 respondents from lipstick consumer products in Sariayu Martha Tilaar store where is located in Taman Anggrek Mall as the sample.Based on the result of hipotesis analysis, it can be seen that the level of significance which is 0001 is smaller than 0.05 so it can be explained that the dimensions of brand image has a significant influence on customer’s purchase decision.

Based on the results of which have been obtained, researchers have suggestions for PT. Martha Tilaar Sariayu to maintain the existence of a good brand image because it clearly affects on consumer decisions in making a purchase decision.

Mea Faizal // 2010
Brand Image Influence on Cosmetic Products Buying Decision By Consumers (Survey On PT. Sariayu Martha Tilaar’s Consumer, Jakarta)