Strategi Komunikasi Instansi Pemerintah RI Dalam Mempromosikan Batik Untuk Memperoleh Dukungan Dari Masyarakat Internasional (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Kementerian Luar Negeri RI – Jakarta Atas Pengukuhan Batik Oleh UNESCO) – Megawati

Indonesia is a country rich in cultural heritage, one of which is batik. Initially seen as batik clothes that can only be. However, batik began to be viewed as an engine of diplomacy that can enhance Indonesia’s image internationally. Indonesian republic government agencies, particularly the State Department, did the vision and mission to promote batik to the international community. Precisely, on October 2, 2009, batik successfully confirmed by UNESCO as cultural heritage objects instead of Indonesia to the world.Based on these exposures, the purpose of this study was to determine the State Department’s communication strategy in promoting batik to get support from the international community. This research was supported by the theory of communication, such as organizational communications, marketing public relations, and promotions.
The research method used is descriptive qualitative, because the researchers only describe the communication strategy the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in promoting batik to get confirmation from UNESCO as cultural heritage objects not. For data processing, qualitative data analysis methods are equipped with SOSTAC.Based on research, it is known that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to use diplomacy offensive strategy, namely that cultural diplomacy is one form of soft power diplomacy and reinforced by a number of organizational communication tools, marketing, public relations and promotion of cultural performances are held in the international arena by taking advantage of batik of bilateral relations, regional and multilateral cooperation between the Indonesian nation with the countries in the world. Obstacles encountered in promoting batik to the international community lies in the limitations of promotional costs, which is a batik culture. But the State Department to coordinate and develop cooperation and partnerships in an effort to ship the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia in overcoming these obstacles.
Based on the research, give some advice that is expected to assist the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in promoting batik and other Indonesian cultural heritage to the international community in the future, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take advantage of a family of diplomats Rl (female dharma) and the Indonesian people who are abroad in promoting batik to the international community, one of them by holding exhibitions and education on the origins of batik and making batik.

Megawati // 2010
Strategi Komunikasi Instansi Pemerintah RI Dalam Mempromosikan Batik Untuk Memperoleh Dukungan Dari Masyarakat Internasional (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Kementerian Luar Negeri RI – Jakarta Atas Pengukuhan Batik Oleh UNESCO)