The Property Marketing Communication Strategy In Increasing Sales On Gateway Apartment Of Binakarya Propertindo Group

The research describes the marketing communication strategy used by    Binakarya Propertindo Group in increasing Pesanggrahan Gateway Apartment. As the Ministry of Citizen Residence declares the 1000-tower-program, new opportunities of building subsidized gateway for developers occur. The opportunities also lead to new competitive segment in which developers have to create interesting strategies in order to lead market.The objective of this research are to figure out marketing communication strategies used by Binakarya Propertindo Group in increasing sales and to   find out obstacles faced in marketing communication strategy that has been done.

The writer uses qualitative descriptive method for the research. Premier data gathered by indepth interview towards 3 internal resources from Binakarya Propertindo Group and 2 other external resources. Data analysis done qualitatively, as in forms, words, sentences, shemes, and pictures with SOSTAC analysis (Situation, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Controlling).
Based on the research, it was found out that marketing communication strategy used by    Binakarya Propertindo Group has succeed in increasing Gateway Apartment sales number.    It was shown by the sales number recorded in the sales report.

Suggestion given    for Binakarya Propertindo group are to do a market survey before building a residence, create interesting offer with sales program, also put the government permit as the top priority in every project built.

Melinda // 2010
The Property Marketing Communication Strategy In Increasing  Sales On Gateway Apartment Of Binakarya Propertindo Group

