The Correlation Between Satisfaction News Award With The Provider Consumer Loyalty (Correlation Study of ICSA 2009 News Award with Telkom Speedy Consumer Loyalty)
could became faded, it would be happen based on the effect of many promotion activities on every media that is done by every internet companies in Indonesia. Every internet companies try to offer many advantages of internet product on their promotion activity for the public. It means that every business activity forms always compete for each others. Based on the fact, some of Telkom Speedy consumer thought Fasnet product is better than Speedy quality. The satisfaction has correlation with the loyalty. The satisfaction, the loyalty feeling and the perception have correlation. Before the consumer feel satisfaction or loyalty, they had perception about the product. If they thought the product had good quality, they would accept its product and the finally
they will get satisfaction or loyalty feeling.PT Telkom wishes that ICSA 2009 news award could help PT Telkom to create the new perception and it would change the bad perception. The effect is the Telkom Speedy consumer loyalty can be achieved. Method of quantitative research is a method of research that is used looking for two variables correlation. This research use primary data research that has been achieved by the spread of questioner’s activity. The questioner method use Likert scale as the strength of quantitative research. Non probability sampling is the method of sampling that is used on this research. There are 52 respondents who gave their time and met directly at Plasa Telkom Divre II East Jakarta and it did on 5-20 May 2010.
Using SPSS Frequency to analyze characteristic respondents, Product Moment analyze method as the way looking for the correlation between the perception variable and the Telkom Speedy consumer loyalty. Using hypotheses analytical is the way looking for the correlation between independent and dependent
variable in this research. There is strong, positive and significant correlation between
two variables. This means that ICSA 2009 news award as a stimulus has made the positive perception on the consumer perception selection. It would create and help to build Speedy consumer loyalty.
Ni Made Meta Tunjung Sari // 2010
The Correlation Between Satisfaction News Award With The Provider Consumer Loyalty (Correlation Study of ICSA 2009 News Award with Telkom Speedy Consumer Loyalty)