Relevance Beetween The Quality of The Website with The Satisfaction of The User of
Dona Denanda & Fiona Suwana
Currently, the internet developed rapidly especially in communciation technology and information in Indonesia. The growth had been encouraged the society to easily responsive with the information of recently situation in Indonesia. Also, the internet has emerged e-paper, e-book, sophistication gadget, so that it make easily in order to get online information. This research is expected to provide an explanation of internet users satisfaction, whether the quality of the website is having a close connection to the level of user satisfaction.
Theoriesused in this research areuses and gratification and marketing communication, and supported by theconcept of new media, internet, and website quality(WebQual) toassist in the search of satisfaction of users of
Research method used the correlation studies using a quantitative data analysis, which is by using statistical techniques and semantic scale.The population of this research is the college students of Universitas Bina Nusantara – Slipi,Jakarta in Information Technique Major batch 2010. The questionnaire as a measuring tool, the results of data obtained will be processes by using SPSS 20.