The Effectiveness of Sponsorship On Television Programme Against Brand Awareness (Case Study: In the Program Events “Take Me Out of Indonesia” on Brand Product Awareness “Kuku Bima Energi”)

In development formerly advertising is known to build brands, but now Public Relations have moved avertising position. One type of crowded public relations has been used recently is sponsorship. The opportunity was also seen by PT. Sido Muncul to introduce the product of Kuku Bima Energi through the event Take Me Out Indonesia. Theories used in support of this research are the Communications, Public Relations, Public Relations Campaigns, Sponsorship, Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication, Mass Media, Brand, Brand Awareness, and Events Program. The research methodology used in this research is quantitative research with the type of research that aims to explain the status of the explanatory variables investigated and the relationship between one variable with another variable. Based on research that has been done, it can be seen between the Sponsorship and Brand Awareness, there is a relationship of mutual influence. Sponsors can be proven affecting 58.3% brand awareness among the people who watch the show Take Me Out Indonsesia.

Suggestion to PT. Sido Muncul to always use the sponsorship to build a brand because it has been proven effective. Of course, still have to choose wisely which ones appropriate for the event sponsored by consideration of target audiences and ratings of events that will be sponsored.

Rini // 2010
The Effectiveness of Sponsorship On Television Programme Against Brand Awareness (Case Study: In the Program Events “Take Me Out of Indonesia” on Brand Product Awareness “Kuku Bima Energi”)