Marginalization of Independence Band (Critical Discourse Analysis to “150 Lagu Indonesia Terbaik” Rolling Stone Indonesia Magazine) – Tiffany Warrantyasri

Media has an important role as an information source for the society. We don’t realize that there are other implications from producing a text, and somehow it’s a negative publication according to the media hegemony. This thesis analyzing 150 Lagu Indonesia Terbaik text which was published by Rolling Stone Indonesia and it’s indication of doing such a marginalization to the independence band.

This research use Critical Discourse Analysis approach from Norman Fairclough. Fairclough further divide the research process into three dimensions which is containing text, discourse practice and sociocultural practice. Data collections for the research gathered by doing in-depth interview technique to the Rolling Stone Indonesia, music observer and Rolling Stone reader. Based on Norman Fairclough research model and in-depth interview with the competent informants, researcher found that marginalization to the independence band were done based on several factors such as selling factor, media hegemony and situation of the music industry in Indonesia.

Nama : Tiffany Warrantyasri
NIM : 05303022008
Judul : Marjinalisasi Band Independen (Critical Discourse
Analysis Pada Daftar “150 Lagu Indonesia Terbaik” di
Majalah Rolling Stone Indonesia)
Total Halaman : 5 bab, 120 halaman
Referensi : 28 buku, 8 situs, 2 jurnal.