Although many centuries have passed since Portugal’s Age of Discoveries, enduring hybrid communities are still surviving in places where the Portuguese had been present. For example, during the last three decades,the “Portuguese” village of Tugu in Indonesia had been drawing attention from news media. The traditional music from Tugu, or known as Keroncong Tugu, is also known to have Portuguese influence. As part of her Ph.D research project at Lisbon University, Rebekah Tan has done a continuously 9 month field research to understand how and under what conditions Portuguese identities maintain their integrity in village of Tugu
The Rise and Demise of Portuguese Identities in Southeast Asia (A Case on the “Portuguese” Village of Tugu in Indonesia)
By sujatmiko|2014-02-05T13:22:29+00:00February 5th, 2014|Uncategorized, UPDATE|Comments Off on The Rise and Demise of Portuguese Identities in Southeast Asia (A Case on the “Portuguese” Village of Tugu in Indonesia)
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