On Friday morning, June 6th 2014, Prof Margono Research Centre, together with TCSC (Tobacco Control Support Centre) – IAKMI (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia) shared their collaboration research project, which titled Tweet and Stop Smoking: A Case of Social Media Use for Anti-Tobacco Activism in Indonesia.

This research’s aim is to find out how these communities were using Twitter for communicating the anti-tobacco messages to public, and adversely, how the public respond to the messages, in terms of awareness built, engagement and action taken. The collecting data process was done from September-November 2013, while the analysis and result were completed on January 2014.

The research team were consists of lecturers of STIKOM LSPR (Hersinta, Fiona Suwana, Olivia Hutagaol and Renold Sutadi) and from TCSC-IAKMI (Kiki Soewarso and Zakiyah Eke). The making of questionnaire instrument also involving Quantitative Methodology’s lecturer and students from IR 15-1 C class. The team presented the research result in front of audience from various backgrounds, including anti-tobacco activists, health organizations/communities and also students. After the research presentation and discussion, the session was continued by a very interesting sharing session on anti-tobacco campaign activism by Oddie and Irma from Juara Idea Agency, who has launched the “Zombigaret” apps in Android (https://id-id.facebook.com/zombigaret).


Closing remarks

Closing remarks