Marketing communication has a function not only to promote the sale, but to build a strong bond between the seller and the buyer. In this case, the buyer is not only in the form of individuals, but also in a form of a community. There are so many ways to communicate with the community, one of which is to create an event that use the principles of experiential marketing as their main concept. By using a descriptive analysis method, the results show that the principles of experiential marketing is successfully implemented at the Mesin Waktu Generasi 90an event by presenting the five cores of experiential marketing elements which are sense, feel, think, act and relate. Mesin Waktu Generasi 90an event also managed to create a bond by reinforcing its community identity. The implication of this research is the need for a similar event to be held outside of the current city due to high enthusiasm towards this event.

Keywords: experiential marketing, community engagement, book