The trend phenomenon of foreign music in Indonesia is remarked by the increasing number of concerts held by foreign musicians within the past three years, with 71 concerts held in 2013 in total. On one side, there are also many musicians who are currently unable to hold concerts due to several circumstances, such as Westlife, who has been disbanded in 2012, but still manages to maintain their popularity in Indonesia. It could be seen from the followers’ number of Westlife’s fanbase Twitter page that reaches almost 13.500 followers. Thus, proposed a solution as well as a new alternative, which is a digital base product using hologram technology called virtual concert. This writing is composed as the strategic promotion plan of a new product in Indonesia. The theories that serve as grounding of this writing consist of 3 major parts:Experiential Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Above the Line Marketing. The beginning step in this writing composition is by gathering information on the background and market analysis through secondary data research. According to the data, the enthusiasm of Westlife fans in Indonesia is still considered high, although the group has been disbanded. The outcome of this writing is the concept of a virtual concert event, promotion activity series and its implementation.

Keyword: hologram concert, promotion strategy, communication