This research discusses the reporting analysis about the taping case in national newspaper period 19 – 24 November. Australia’s Defence Signals Directorate targeted the personal mobile numbers of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his wife, Kristiani Herawati, as well as eight others in the President’s inner circle on national newspaper. Namely: Boediono, Jusuf Kalla, Dino Pati Djalal, Andi Mallarangeng, Hatta Rajasa, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Widodo AS dan Sofyan Djalil. Leading the Indonesian Government to react strongly and strain the relationship between these two neighboring countries. Every newspaper has their own agenda on reporting their news, that is way the writer is interested to do a research about this topic. The national newspaper which is chosen in this research are Kompas and Media Indonesia. This study employs the method of framing analysis Zongdan Pan and Kosicki. There are four structures used in this method : syntax, script, thematic and rhetoric. Research result show that Kompas newspaper is neutral in presenting their news, which is different than Media Indonesia who pick sides in delivering their news.


Key words: framing analysis, Zongdan Pan dan Kosicki, Newspapers, Australia, Indonesia