TV is one of the main forms of entertainment for the people of Indonesia at this time because it has advantages not possessed by other media . This is what underlies the birth of a wide variety of television stations in Indonesia. With a wide variety of programs offered by television stations, an institution would be required to oversee . Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia ( KPI ) which is the agency authorized to oversee the programs on television also creates a policy for the entire television programs , which must include the classification of programs. The purpose of the study is to determine the correlation of classification program “R-BO” with parent interest in SDN 01 Pagi Jakarta Timur when supervise children in watching “YKS” program. The theory used in this study is the theory of classification program. The method used is the method quantitative correlation. The total responden in this study are 75 people. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The results showed that correlation r value of 9,3% which means that there is a weak correlation between classification program “R-BO” with parent interest in SDN 01 Pagi Jakarta Timur when supervise children in watching “YKS” program. Researchers expect that parents be more careful in choose the right TV program for children.

Keywords : Television, Television Program, Classification Program, Parents Guidance