World population grows from year to year. The population growth is progressively alarming due to countinous population growth even more than what expected from last year. Result of population explosion is a limited natural ability, so there are no relatively sufficient resources, even pollution increased exceeding what nature can accommodate.

Government program to reduce the rate of population growth in Indonesia which is Family Planning (FP) program is a form of diffusion innovation to create public awareness for a planned life and a better one.

Therefore, the researcher conducted a study to measure how the influence of family planning campaigns message against the adoption  of the innovation in community .

This study uses causality analysis study  which studies the effect of the PR campaign message which is ” Family Planning – Two Kids Better “, in adoption innovation communities. The main theory used in this study is the concept of messages condition as well as materials and contents Program (Ruslan, 2008) and the Adoption Process Innovation (Mulyana, 2009). This theory explains the elements of a PR campaign and Innovation Adoption .

The population of this study is UPT Puskesmas Pagarsih Bandung visitors totaling 3500 people. In accordance with the formula Slovin, the sample amounted to 97 people .

Based on the research results, there is significant influence of the message of family planning campaigns against the adoption innovation in the community. Its influence is 49% .


Keyword : PR campaigns, adoption innovation