Social Media Twitter is a form of media communication and interaction by the use of technology and information microblogging based.  The fact that appears is that a buzzer has a role of delivering a symbolic message of Twitter followers to increase awareness of a product or service. The research conducted aims to discover the meaning of buzzer in the social media Twitter’s activities. The method used for this research is the descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The main theory used for this particular research is the theory of Symbolic Interaction.  The primary data is gathered from interview with three sources. Buzzer  is  a  social  media  communicators who used Twitter to raise awareness about certain topics. Buzzer @motulz realizes that it has a self-concept that is built based on the response of its followers. In addition, a buzzer is also assessed from the positive reputation from the response of his followers as well as the relevance of the tweet associated with the industry (service or product), and the intensity of the interaction between the buzzer with its followers. A buzzer needs to prioritize the importance of consistency in the topic they know to create awareness of their product or service.


Keyword: Social Media, Twitter, Buzzer, Symbolic Interactionism