The presence of best original score category in the prestigious film awards, academy awards of motion pictures and arts, proves how important the existence of a film score in a movie. Music acts not only as a ‘filter’ or transition that connects each scene in a movie, but has further impact in those who watch. How come so many people remember the murder scene in psycho or when a shark in a move to attack people in jaws? Not only the scene, but the music that accompanies the scene was also recorded in their memory. This encouraged the researcher to do a research on the film score by choosing the animation film “UP”, as the object, which in 2010 this movie itself has won two Oscars an one of them is in best original score category
Claudia Gorbman in her book, unheard melodies: Narrative film music, suggest a principle followed by the classic film musics, known as “principles of composition, mixing, and editing “ this principle contains seven things that a classic fislm score needs to have, such as invisibility, inaudibility, signifier of emotions, narrative cueing, continuity, unity and the latter , Gorbman revealed that one of those principles may be violated for the sake of other principles’ development. The researcher choose this teory as a basic reference in this research.
In this study researchers choose a qualitative content analysis approach by focusing on the animation film. “UP” and analyzing the film score composition thoroughly. Researcher then used the miles and huberman models to analyze the 32 musical compositions found in the animation film itself.
Of the 32 compositions that had been analyzed, researcher found the forms of how music supports the narrative of the film, such as the selection of a specific instrument to describe the place setting, time and even supports the characteristic of a character, and the music that also brings together pieces of the scene so the narrative could be delivered smoothly, as well as the mood from the music that built according to the narrative. In addition, researcher also found musical forms that imitate a character or a circumstance so the situation in the story portrayed clearly
Based on the results of research on this issue, it can be concluded that the compositions of the film score support the deliberation of the narrative trough five relevant principles from the theory of “principles of composition, mixing and editing” by Claudia gorbman, this study is expexted to support other researchers to do a further development of the study of film scores and also to support the development of the film scores in Indonesia movie industry itself`