The use of the Internet in the era of globalization can make the whole world connected. Barriers of distance and time first perceived by the individual are easily overcome with the Internet. People are starting to use the Internet to interact virtually with other users and led to the existence of social media. The birth of social media and the implications of Web 2.0 have changed business practices in the 21st century, Internet users can receive content to respond. Social media is currently popular in Indonesian society where the largest number of Twitter tweets in the world was in Jakarta in 2012. The social media in this case is Twitter, which adopts a PR 2.0, is now the community publisher and influencer in cyberspace. PR 2.0 is when a PR practitioner communicates to the public by using the internet as media. The presence of Twitter, utilized by the company J.CO Donuts & Coffe as a Food & Beverage company’s with the Twitter account @JcoIndonesia. Such two-way communication impacts in the dissemination of information, becoming faster. This research used quantitative method, used a survey method by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents who are followers of Twitter account @JcoIndonesia. The findings of this study suggest that the use of social media as a tool of Public Relations Twitter only to the need for information regarding the products, and the results showed there was no correlation between the use of Twitter @ JcoIndonesia towards corporate image.


Keywords : Public Relations, Social Media, Twitter, Corporate image