Fashion is a form of non verbal communication that representsa self-image and personality. Nowadays, a lot of people realize that fashion is important. Development of fashion is increasing rapidly everyday. It can be seen from many fashion designers, fashion events and fashion icons in the world. In Indonesia, many fashion designers, fashion events and fashion icons who make fashion are increasingly recognized by the public, especially teenagers who like to try new things and express themselves. This development of fashion has turned out to be an interesting thing for the mass media. As more people are aware of fashion, then the more people are looking for references about fashion. This opportunity is taken up bye the mass media to create magazines, websites and television programs about fashion. The mass media forms in Indonesia provides many fashion references, especially to teenagers, are magazines and websites. Whereas very few television programs that elevate fashion as a topic. Currently, there is a television program, Ilook, which is broadcast by the NET TV. The audience of Ilook are teenagers, so this television program can be an alternative choice besides magazines and websites as fashion reference. This study focused on the influence of television program, Ilook, on teenage fashion style. This study is interesting because there are not many of fashion programs on television. This research wanted to see if the fashion programs on television can be a reference for teenagers and affect their fashion style. This study is using Social Learning Theory. This theory is about the effects of mass media . The metodology of this study is quantitative methode. This is a correlations study with quantitative approach.
The Influence of TelevisionThe Program Ilook Against Teenager Fashion Style : Correlation Study of RW 006’s Teenager at Perumahan Tytyan Kencana North Bekasi by Rumondang
By sujatmiko|2014-10-24T01:33:32+00:00October 24th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Mass Communication, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Influence of TelevisionThe Program Ilook Against Teenager Fashion Style : Correlation Study of RW 006’s Teenager at Perumahan Tytyan Kencana North Bekasi by Rumondang
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