Singing is a part of music that can be a channel to deliver a message. The most important essence in singing is to interpret the meaning of the song. Singing is one of the real forms of expressive communication function that used to convey the feelings and influence people indirectly. Soundcloud is a medium to upload, record, promote, and disseminate audio. There are various types of audio that can be found in Soundcloud, from recording interviews, stories, poetry readings, instrumental music, and also singing. Runtlalala is a singer who often sings some cover songs on Soundcloud.Runtlalala has a distinctive voice and a unique attitude , and that what makes her famous among the Soundcloud users. This study aims to examine the the utilization of soundcloud account to reduce cognitive dissonance.This study used a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The theory used in this study is cognitive dissonance theory and some related concepts supporting this research. Primary data drawn from the interviews with Runtlalala.
The Utilization of Soundcloud Account to Reduce Cognitive Dissonance : Qualitative Descriptive Study @Runtlalala’s Soundcloud Account by Yohana Oktaviani Sujayanto
By sujatmiko|2014-10-24T01:30:41+00:00October 24th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Mass Communication, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Utilization of Soundcloud Account to Reduce Cognitive Dissonance : Qualitative Descriptive Study @Runtlalala’s Soundcloud Account by Yohana Oktaviani Sujayanto
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