para fasilitator
(Training facilitators trusted to bring the material were: Deddy Irwandy, M.Si, Deddy Muharman, M.Si, Veronika Trimardhany, M.Si, Yohannes Don Bosco Doho, MM, Yuliana Riana P, MM, Taufan Teguh Akbari, M. Si, Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi, MM and Ayu Sakhina)

Research and Community Service Centre (LPPM) LSPR Jakarta held a Program Community Service in the form of Intercultural Communication Competence Training the employees of PT Freeport Indonesia on 18 – 20 November 2014 Tembagapura, Community service program is aimed to build awareness and sensitivity to other cultures which is expected more easily build cooperation among employees of different cultures. Other than that, intercultural communication competence training also improves communication skills in order to support the achievement of success in global business.
Intercultural communication competence training was opened by Yuliana Riana P, MM as Head of Community Service, and at the same time socializing on the ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY 2015.

sosialisasi aec

This training is classified into three sessions: The first session was hosted about Communication Skill by Taufan Teguh Akbari, M.Si and Deddy Muharman, M.Sc. The second session is presented by Deddy Irwandy, M.Si and Yohanes Don Bosco Doho, MM and Management of Stress hosted by Veronika Trimardhany, M.Si and Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi, MM.

kang deddy
Deddy Irwandy M.Si briefed game that reflects teamwork

bung bosco
Yohannes Don Bosco , MM sharing material teamwork

jeng vero
Ms. Veronika Trimardhany, M. Si sharing material management of stress

dou taufan & DM
Duo Cool: Taufan Teguh Akbari, M.Si and Deddy Muharman, M.Si bring Communication Skill sessions.

jeng gracia
Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi, MM is being briefed on the game management of stress

penyerahan plakat
Yuliana Riana P, MM as Head of Community Service provides Plaques and shirts LSPR Jakarta to Vice President of HR Management PT Freeport Indonesia Miftahuddin Amin.

Team of LPPM LSPR Jakarta at Grasberg Mine, PT Freeport Indonesia

Intercultural Communication Competence Training Participants consisted of 90 employees of PT Freeport Indonesia from various divisions. The participants were very enthusiastic and attentive in training.

Training participants were gimmick together before starting the training session.

Trainees do games teamwork

peserta hari pertama
Trainees and facilitators at first day, November 18, 2014.