On November 11 to 12, 2014, five lecturers LSPR-Jakarta as a speaker at the 4th International Seminar and Conference 2014 “ Islamic Economics and Beyond” (ISC) . Yuliana Riana P, MM presented the paper on The Effect of Corporate Identity of The Image Corporate and Its Impact on The Corporate Reputation. Nelly Nailatie Maarif, MBA and Deddy Irwandy, M.Si presented about Developing Altruism Through Implementation of Waqf ( Case study : waqf foundation, Indonesia). Gracia Rachmi A, MM and Veronika Trimardhany, M.Si. P.Si presented Servant Leadership’s Implementation in Lenteng Agung Region, Jakarta. In addition, two lecturers LSPR – Jakarta namely Past Novel, MA dan Vita Alwina D Busyra, MLA as moderator in the seminar.


Yuliana Riana P, MM Represent LSPR-Jakarta Received a Cetificate Co-Host ISC


Vita Alwina D Busyra, MLA as Moderator ISC


Past Novel, MA as Moderator and Nelly N Maarif MBA as Speaker ISC


Gracia Rachmi A, MM as Speaker ISC