Every year Research and Community Service Centre (LPPM) of LSPR provides and opportunity for lecturers and staff to present their research in front of other lecturers, staff, and students of LSPR. Internal Research Colloquium held in Prof. Margono Research Center.

ggggCendera Rizki talking and research about freedom of press and study case about JIS

The presentation is divided into 4 days on March 13, 18, 19, and 20, 2015 with 25 researches. This figure increased by 20% over the previous year, which is equivalent to 13 studies. Some of the lecturers who get the opportunity to present their research were Deddy Muharman, Gracia Rachmi, Hersinta, Khotimatus S, Veronika T, Gracia Rachmi, Elke Alexandrina, Janette Pinnariya, Dr. Artini, Ari Widodo, Ph.D, Rani Chandra, Dhita Widya P, Sri Tunggul Panindra, and Taufan Teguh Akbari and more.

fvffccfVeronika T. Explained about Servant Leadership concept at Lenteng Agung

They were expected to deliver real benefits for real life through research that they have completed as stated Dr. Artini who promote campaigns show that diverse range of topics such as issues concerning politics, media, quality of service, and on the profession of PR. Ms. Yuliana Riana P, MM as Head of Community Service Centre and Internal Research Coordinator, mentioned that the entire study was judged on originality, have a benefits of the research in real life, and current issues. (Power Young)

yfyfyuyMs. Janette Pinnariya with Role of PR

efgrgrfLSPR student had an opportunity to give feedback and question to the researcher.

12Ms. Elke A & Mr. Imanuel H Collaborate in conducting research