The development of the mass media industry in Indonesia today is very rapid. Internet is one of the results in the development of information technology which has dual effects on the social order in society. Besides the positive effect, it also has a negative effect on the development of teenagers. Teenagers are considered in the sensitive age stages, so that the media effect on their personality development is assumed to be significant.Looking at those conditions, it requires every individual to have the specific competency known as media literacy. Media literacy is a set of skills that are useful in the process of accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating messages in a variety of forms. In order to achieve maximum media literacy skills, the factors that influence it need to be reviewed. According to the European Commission, 2009 Individual Competence Framework is one of the instruments used to measure the level of media literacy. Hence this study aims todetermine the index level of students’ media literacy.The results showed that the media literacy of students at the SMA N 22 East Jakarta is at the medium level based on their individual competence. Moreover, the result can be used as a foundation in creating media literacy education programs.


Key word:  media literacy, media exposure, teenagers.