Cendera Rizky Anugrah Bangun, M.SiLecturer and Thesis Counselor of Under Graduate Program
Research interest :

Journalism Studies

Biography :

Cendera Rizky Anugrah Bangun graduated from Magister of Science (M.Si) At University of Indonesia, majoring Communication Studies. She was born in Jakarta, 4th July 1984. She is a Lecturer, Researcher and Thesis Counselor at LSPR-Jakarta. She teaches several subjects, for instance Intro to Mass Communicstion Indonesian Communication System and Seminar of Research Proposal at The London School of Public Relations, Jakarta.

Researcher’s Projects :

2014. Mass Media Freedom in Indonesia, Case Study: Violations of Press Freedom and Journalism Code of Ethics in Reporting Sexual Harassment In Children in Kindergarten Jakarta International School

Community Services Project :

2009. Teaching and visits to the orphanage through organizations Freestyle for Charity