Dr. Rino F. BoerLecturer, Deputy Director II of Under graduate Program, and Director of Postgraduate Program
Research interest :

Communication, Marketing Communication, Public Relations, and New Media


Rino F. Boer graduated from Doctorate Degree (Dr) at University of Indonesia (UI) in major of communication studies. He graduated from Magister Management (MM) at Gajah Mada University. He is a lecturer, researcher, and Deputy Director II for Under Graduate Program and Deputy Director of Postgraduate Program at The London School of Public Relations, Jakarta. He teaches subjects, such as: Advanced Communication Theory, Communication Theory and Social Media for Business at LSPR– Jakarta. Also, thesis advisor for the students from Under Graduate and Postgraduate Program.

Researcher’s Projects:

2014. Information Vs. Relationship: dominant factor of employee engagement. The uses of exploratory factor analysis as evidence from Indonesia, presented in Corporate Communication International Conference on Corporate Communication 2014. at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. With Novi Yanti, S.Ikom.

2013 – now, Model of Social Persuasive Technology in Social Media (with Yuliana Riana P. & Hersinta)

2013. Persuasive Technology in Political Communication to Capture Voters Teens Through Social Media , presented in Komunikasi @2014 Seminar Besar Nasional Komunikasi at Padang, Sumatera Barat.

2012. Think And Act Local: Lesson from the Changes of Birth Control Methods in the Family Planning Program in Indonesia, presented in The 2nd Asian Population Association Conference at Bangkok, Thailand. With Puspita Niken Aditya, M.Si.

2102. Commonality: Reproduction of Moral Philosophy in Ethical Decision Making by Corporate in Indonesia, presented at The 2nd Asian Conference on Ethics, Religions and Philosophy, Osaka, Japan. With Puspita Sari, M.Si.

2011. Factors Affecting of TV Advertising as A Commercial Reality and Formation

Society of The Spectacle, presented in The International SEARCH (South

East Asian Research Centre) for Communication & Humanities Conference at Taylor’s University, Lakeside campus, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

2011. Komunikasi dan Pengalihan Metode Kontrasepsi Keluarga Berencana (Studi Berdasarkan Coordinated Management of Meaning Theory pada Petugas di Desa Sukahati, Kabupaten Bogor”, presented on Konferensi Nasional Komunikasi di Universitas Indonesia, Depok pada 9 – 10 November 2011. With Puspita Niken Aditya, M.Si.


Boer, Rino F. Social Media and Social Persuasion Technology, Proceeding – The 1st Indonesia Media Research Awards & Summit (IMRAS) & The 3rd Indonesia Public Relations Awards & Summit (IPRAS) 2014, Yogyakarta. This paper as the second placed winner of the Second Call for Papers on the subject of Social Media.

Boer, Rino F. Commonality: Reproduction of Moral Philosophy in Ethical Decision-Making by Corporate in Indonesia. Journal of Psychology Research, USA. Vol.2 No.11, November 2012.

Boer, Rino F. Studies of Interaction and Effects Based On Communication and Biology Perspectives. Communication Journal by Al-Azhar University. January 2011.

Prasetyawati,Y. R., and Boer, R. F., 2011 , E-word Of Mouth Positif: Interaksi Konsumen Potensial Pada Komunitas OnLine”, Exposure: Journal of Advance Communication dari STIKOM LSPR-Jakarta, Vol 2 No 1.

Boer, Rino F. & Bestari,P., How Can I Trust You If You Just Send Me A Text? Study on Users on Black Berry Messenger, presented on International Conference on New media and Human Civilization, September 28, 2011 Faculty on Communication Studies Padjadjaran University, Indonesia.

Boer, R. F., and Prasetyawati, Y. R., 2011, New Trend in Media Communication: Motive Use Of Media Twitter For Teenager, proceedings of “2nd International SEARCH Conference 2011, Taylor’s University, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Prasetyawati, Y. R., and Boer, R. F., 2010, Faktor Parasosial Interaksi dalam Mempengaruhi Pemaknaan Iklan Televisi Komersial sebagai Sebuah Realitas”, Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, dari UPN Veteran, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Vol.8 No 2.

Boer, Rino, F. The Face Of The Law Supremacy: A Media Content Analysis On Artalyta’s Luxurious Prison Case On The Jakarta Globe Newspaper”. The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies. Vol.3 No.1 June 2010. With Ariesa Lie, S.Ikom.

Prasetyawati, Y. R., and Boer, R, F., 2010, Influential factors on Post-Feminist views on The Representation of Woman with Sexual Appearance in Advertising (Analyzing Using Structural Equation Modeling/SEM)”, as proceedings and presenter at The First International Conference at The London School of Public Relations, Jakarta on March 2010.

Community Services Project:

2012. as trainer in Communication training on teachers, early childhood teachers in Yayasan Humaland, Bogor.

2014. Training Research Methodology and Data Processing Statistics For Research Communication Studies with SEM Methods.

2014. as Speaker Audit Communication and Public Opinion Research at The Ministry of Finance.