Janette Maria Pinariya, S.Si, MMLecturer and Dean of LSPR Campus A

Janette Maria Pinariya graduated from Magister Management (MM) at Univ. Persada Indonesia – YAI at 2005-2007. She currently take Doctorate program at University of Sahid, majoring in Communication. She is a lecturer, and Dean of Campus A The London School of Public Relations, Jakarta. She teaches several subjects such as Marketing Communication, Indonesian Communication System, and Seminar Research of Proposal

Researcher’s Projects:

2014. Kompetensi Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Profesi PR (funded by LSPR)

2013. Pemanfaatan Celebrity Endorsement Pada Produk Konsumsi Kelas Menengah

Community Service Projects :

2014, as Jakarta Jury Student Company Competition in Local Government Education Agency Jakarta.

2013, as Trainer Public Speaking In Youth Association Daerah Tumaluntung