Rani Chandra Oktaviani, M.SiLecturer and Assistant Deputy Director II
Research interest :

Journaism studies, Public Relations Studies and Political Communication

Biography :

Rani Chandra Oktaviani graduated from Magister of Science (M.Si) at University of Indonesia, majoring Communication Studies. She is a Researcher and full time Lecturer at The London School of Public Relations, Jakarta. She teaches several subjects, for instance Methodology of Qualitative, the Methodology of Quantitative Research at LSPR-Jakarta.

Researcher’s Project :

2014. Comparative Analysis of Political Discourse in the Media Print, Text Studies in Kompas, Koran Tempo and Republika

2012. Characteristic of Political Marketing PDI as Opposition Party

2011. Dichotomy of CSR Implementation on Mining & Oil and Gas Company in Indonesia
2011. Performance Political Communication Ethics SBY In Period Two Appointed President of Indonesia

2010. Indonesian Political Behavior an Overview

2009. Image Attributes of Political Woman Candidate President in Indonesia.

Community Services Project :

2014. As a Speaker and in the Jury Selection Event Master of Ceremonies (MC) Electronic Channel Operations (ECO). Mandiri Bank Group

2012. Training Communication & Public Relations Techniques In Nonprofit SOS Children Village, Lembang, Bandung. Commission for Child Care

2010. Campaign “Days without a TV“ for children in cooperation with the child care commission. LSPR
2009. Socialization of Political Education to young voters in the district of Bekasi.

Publications :

Oktaviani. C. R., 2008, Content Analysis for song lyrics criticizing the Iraq invasion Policy by American Government in President Bush Leadership, LSPR Jurnal Vol.3 No.1.

Oktaviani. C. R., 2011, Dichotomy of CSR Implementation on Mining & Oil and Gas Company in Indonesia, Exposure: Journal of Advance Communication. Vol. 1 No 1.