Veronika Trimardhany, M.Si.,Psi.Lecturer and Head of Student Guidance Office Centre
Research Interest:

Interpersonal Communication, Communication of Persuasion, Psychology of Communications and Organizational Communication


Veronika graduated from Magister of Science (M.Si) at University of Indonesia (UI), majoring in Psychology. She currently take Doctorate program at University of Persadha Indonesia (YAI) majoring in Psychology. She teaches several subjects, for instance Psychology Communication and Persuasion Communication at LSPR- Jakarta. She makes talent assessment test for LSPR students. She general research includes Interpersonal Communication Studies, Communication of Persuasion, Psychology of Communications and Organizational Communication.

Researcher’s Project :

2014. Implementasi Servant Leadership di Kelurahan Lenteng Agung, Jakarta (with Gracia Rachmi & Yuliana Riana P)

2014. Pengaruh Faktor-Faktor Identitas Perusahaan terhadap Citra Perusahaan dan Dampaknya Pada Reputasi Perusahaan (with Yuliana Riana P)

2013. Menggali Potensi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus

2012. Aktualisasi Diri Dalam Mengkomunikasikan Meaning of Suffering Pada Ibu Dengan Anak Penyandang AUTIS

2011. Motivasi Gaya Pengasuhan Orang Tua Pada Remaja Yang Mengalami Masalah Psikologi.

Community Services Project:

2012. Teaching Teachers and staff at Melania Foundation: Positive thinking & Management of stress

2012. Provide psycho against church youth

2010. as speaker stress management for employee at CEVRON INDONESIA

2014. Training Intercultural Communication Competence to employees PT Freeport, Tembagapura.

Publications :

Trimardhany, V., 2012. Aktualisasi diri dalam mengkomunikasikan meaning of suffering pada ibu dengan anak penyandang AUTIS. Communicare: Journal of Communication Studies STIKOM LSPR-Jakarta, Vol.5 No 1

Trimardhany, V., 2011. Motivasi Gaya pengasuhan orang tua pada remaja yang mengalami makalah psikologi, Exposure: Journal of Advanced Communication STIKOM LSPR-Jakarta, Vol.1 No 1.