Saturday, November 25, 2017.
LPPM LSPR – Jakarta in cooperation with Pastoral Council of Paroki Keluarga Kudus Cibinong held a Public Speaking Training for Prodiakons, Prodiakon Candidates, Lectors, and Psalmist in order to make them feel more confident in providing service to God’s people in Paroki, Region and Categorical Group. The participants who have diverse backgrounds, ages and education, took part actively and participatively during the activity.

The training was held from 8 AM to 3 PM as the first Public Speaking training which conducted at Paroki Keluarga Kudus Cibinong. It was followed by 120 participants from various service categories in the Parish, involving four lecturers from LSPR – Jakarta namely Mr. Don Bosco Doho, S.Phil, MM, Ms. Sylvia A, Roennfeld, M.Si, Mr. Ignas Lana, M.Pd and Ms. Mary Lemona, M.Sc.

The fully guided training by the LSPR – Jakarta Team became more interesting when the participants were asked to practice by doing role play about what they learned in the previous session. The first session was presented by Mr. Don Bosco Doho, on the importance of public speaking for pastoral ministers in the Parish. In order to deliver God’s word, they need to practice the public speaking techniques including verbal and non-verbal practice to get people’s attention.

Ms. Mary Lemona as one of the Trainer, delivering the materials

Meanwhile, Ms. Mary Lemona emphasizes the importance of recognizing audience’s condition, the circumstances, also the timing on how to give persuasion speech, related to their occupations. Mr. Ignas Lana as a Catechist and Catholic Lecturer from STIE Unity Bogor firmly gave tips and tricks in preaching and how to invite people to apply God’s word in real life every day. To touch people’s heart, ones should give speech with confidence, entertaining, educating, and persuasive at the same time.

Mr. Ignas Lana as a Catechist and Catholic Lecturer from STIE Unity Bogor

Ms. Sylvia A. Roennfeld, as a public relations lecturer, fascinated the participants to practice the previous speakers’ materials. Participants gave positive reactions and asked to get this training regularly. “If Ms. Sylvia who brought such an interesting and life-like topic, I think next year, this team should not change formation,” said one of the committees in Keluarga Paroki Kudus Cibinong.

The parish priest of Cibinong, RD. Agustinus Suyatno as well as Mr. Yustus Manasa as the head committee, really appreciated this given training and wish that LPPM LSPR – Jakarta would give another training for Keluarga Paroki Kudus Cibinong in the next occasion. The training was closed by giving a certificate of appreciation to participants.

Giving the Certificate of Participation to all participants