Jakarta, December 13, 2017.
Still in the same in cooperation, LPPM LSPR – Jakarta with BNN DKI Jakarta held another Public Speaking Training in order to socialize the P4GN (Pencegahan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba) Policy implementation in North Jakarta area.
This time, the participants are approximately 30 counselling guidance teachers from Junior and Senior High School of Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Aliyah, North Jakarta. The Public Speaking Training that was held in Hotel All Sedayu Kelapa Gading, was given by Ms. Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi, MM and Ms. Khotimatus Sholikhati, MA, as LSPR – Jakarta’s lecturers.

Ms. Gracia Rachmi and Ms. Khotimatus Sholikhati, lead the public speaking training
All participants actively participate in Public Speaking Training, including presentation on general knowledge about public speaking, then continued with role plays and discussion.
The main purpose of this Public Speaking Training was to train the teachers to convey the danger of drugs use to their students with simple and interesting explanation, so that it can motivate and let students assertively say no to drugs.
The trainers who are lecturers from LSPR – Jakarta shared 10 tips and tricks of Public Speaking to overcome the anxiety during the presentation and give a memorable as well as useful presentation.

Trainers and participants who did the role plays take photo together
During Role Plays session, participants are asked to give a short presentation on the dangers of drugs with Public Speaking techniques they’ve learned before, and then trainers will conduct an evaluation to improve their public speaking skills.
The training was lasted in 2 hours and all participants seems happy and ready to implement their public speaking skills to convince their students to say no to drugs.

Trainers and all participants take “Say No To Drugs” group photo