LSPR’s Research and Community Service Centre (LPPM) in cooperation with Karya Kerasukan Misioner Keuskupan Bogor held a Public Speaking Training on Sunday, 25th February 2018 at Sekolah Mardi Waluya Cibinong, Bogor.
This training was attended by 20 general missionaries’ candidates which incorporated in group category: Karya Kerasulan Misioner Keuskupan Bogor. These candidates consist of youngsters from various education and profession background who will carry the real mission on serving people in North Borneo inland. The attendees were given skills and competencies in Public Speaking, especially on how to deal with other people from different custom and cultural aspects through interpersonal communication. This also emphasize that interpersonal communication is needed to achieve a mutual understanding between communicator and communicant in any situation and condition.

Ms. Janette Gave Presentation as One of the Trainers
The trainers were Mr. Yohannes Don Bosco Doho, S.Phil, MM and Dr. Janette M. Pinarya, MM as the senior lecturers of LSPR – Jakarta. They taught the attendees on how to talk in front of other people, how to deliver a spiritual message to people in remote parish in Borneo’s inland. This theory and practice training aims to develop attendee’s confidence in communicating with new people to reach mutual understanding.

Trainers and Attendees at SD Mardi Waluya Cibinong, Bogor
This training was one of RD. Alfons Sombolinggi’s the initiative as the Commission Head of Karya Kerasulan Misioner (KKM) Keuskupan Bogor, in collaboration with LPPM LSPR – Jakarta.