Currently, there are still many problems regarding the quality of journalistic reports, including those that have a detrimental impact on society. Several things can be identified regarding this negativity. First, some press companies are managed unprofessionally. Second, the competence of some press workers is doubtful. Third, the lack of public control due to the poor level of media literacy and awareness of social participation.

In this situation, the Press Council accelerates the verification of press companies, as mandated by Article 15 paragraph 2 of Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press. Those who are pros tend to see that verification is part of an effort to maintain professional quality media. Meanwhile, the cons are concerned that verification can be misused as a means of media control. To see the public’s perspective, the research was conducted on Jakarta’s Public Perceptions of the Verification of Press Companies by the Press Council. Involving 115 respondents, the survey was conducted between 6 to 12 November 2017. Then a triangulation was carried out, including through focus group discussions involving expert resource persons.

Referring to reception analysis theory, the audience is a cultural agent with its own power to interpret the meaning of discourse offered by the press (Fiske, 2010). Meanwhile, in order to play a role in echoing the public interest and controlling the administration of the state, the press must be able to present meaningful information and with an independent perspective (Hampton in Allan, ed, 2010).

Most of the respondents viewed the verification as important, with 43.5% agreeing and 34.5 percent strongly agreeing. Seven aspects are verified, namely administrative aspects, human resources, physical condition of the company, journalist competence, welfare, protection of journalists, and sustainability of press products. Respondents consistently have positive perceptions regarding these seven aspects.

In the face of an abundance of information and a significant increase in the number of media, verification of press companies by the Press Council is difficult to place as a single effort to maintain press professionalism and press freedom. Public involvement can participate in controlling the quality of the media and to resist economic domination and political domination that rides the freedom of the press.