Media ownership, especially newspapers in Indonesia, currently shows concentration ownership, centered on several names of capital owners such as Kompas Group, Jawa Pos Group, Globe Media Group, Media Indonesia group, and Tempo Inti Media. This situation makes the diversity of media content (diversity content) does not occur because there is no diversity of owners (diversity ownership). as a result, there is a mass cultural industrial process. From these conditions, the interests and owners of the media should be ignored, but in practice in Indonesia, it is difficult to do. This research aims to know how the media, especially Koran Tempo can be impartial in broadcasting news relating to the interests of the owners. The research problem is how the ownership and content of Koran Tempo coverage is seen from the perspective of Giddens’ structuration. The results of this study show that Koran Tempo does not merely publish anything that is expected by the owners of capital. However, it is still oriented towards editorial meetings, ideas, and ideas from the reader’s editorial member. The conclusion of this study is that the content of Koran Tempo’s news presented does not solely follow the needs of the owners of capital which are considered to be the determinants of the content of the newspaper as part of the cultural industry.

Keywords: Diversity of Content, Media Ownership, Regulation, Culture Industry, Tempo Newspaper