Intolerance and distrust between groups in Indonesia are increasing, mainly triggered by the rise of negative content on social media and closed message groups. To respond to this situation, The Habibie Center (THC) launched the Community Empowerment in Raising Inclusivity and Trust Through program technology Application (STORY) powered by Google.org. STORY is a program that combines storytelling, discussion facilitation, and technology application to increase awareness and participation of young people on the issue of inclusivity and building mutual trust between groups in their respective cities. This program is in the form of a training-of-trainer (TOT) for young activists and activists who represent the community each of them. The TOT participants are referred to as STORY Ambassadors. In the first stage of training held Bandung, Jakarta, Malang, Yogyakarta, and Solo for 144 participants. Story-telling facilitators and discussion facilitation from Canada accompanied by a facilitator from Indonesia. Tech app developed in beta by using the Google map facility. In time this application will be filled with videos of STORY Ambassadors contains their stories about inclusivity and tolerance in their respective cities and regions. When evaluation Lastly, from initially five cities and 144 participants, this program then reached 14 cities and 1030 participants through program replication activities carried out by the first layer of CERITA Ambassadors.

Keywords: Inclusivity, Tolerance, Youth, STORY Program, Social Media