Social media as a means of building social interaction for doctors. However, the use of social media sometimes violates doctors’ professional codes of ethics for personal gain. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of social media Instagram by doctors in conducting social interactions and determine the suitability of doctors in using social media with the code of ethics of the doctor’s profession. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The research data are primary data obtained through interviews with research sources consisting of medical ethics experts, doctors who use social media Instagram, and patients who are followers of the doctor’s Instagram account. Data analysis uses interactive analysis of Miles and Huberman The conclusion of the study states that, in practice, the use of Instagram social media by doctors in building social interactions with patients/community is still contains elements of promotion, therefore, it can be declared that the use of Instagram social media is still not in accordance with the professional code of ethics of the doctor.

Keywords; Doctor; Instagram; Social Interaction; Social Media.