Technological development is increasingly developing and advancing, consciously and unconsciously, technological development has changed the behavior of the community. With the internet, people can find out what tourist destinations are suitable for them without having to visit them first. The tourism industry is growing and becoming an idol in Indonesia. Jakarta has many tourist attractions, one of which is SnowBay Waterpark Jakarta. SnowBay Waterpark Jakarta is a water attraction located within the Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park (TMII). TMII is a tourist spot commonly referred to as a onestop-attraction. With the internet, people are free to determine where tourist destinations are suitable for themselves, including spending to be spent to go to these tourist attractions. Various tourist attractions carry out various promotional activities such as online promotions and offline promotions. The purpose of this research is to know and understand the Marketing Communication strategy of SnowBay Waterpark Jakarta in maintaining visitor satisfaction. This study uses the theory of Service Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Physical Evidence, People, and Process) which can be seen from two angles, namely the angle of the company or organization and the angle of the customer. With these two different points of view, the organization or company is considered easier to understand customer satisfaction based on the customer’s point of view. This study also uses supporting theories, namely the theory of Marketing Communication Mix and Customer Satisfaction. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. The data analysis model uses the Miles and Huberman model and uses trust techniques using the Triangulation model. The results of this research are the Marketing Communication Strategy conducted is more directed at the Interactive Marketing elements in the form of digital marketing through digital platforms (Tokopedia, Traveloka, Shopee, etc.) and social media (Instagram and Youtube).

Keywords: Marketing Communication; Service Marketing Mix; Marketing Communication Mix; Visitor Satisfaction.