This study discusses public relations campaigns in the health sector conducted by KICKS (Koalisi Indonesia Cegah Kanker Serviks) as an effort to introduce HPV vaccination as a primary prevention of cervical cancer. Used case study method with a descriptive qualitative approach, the research aims to obtain information about strategies used in introducing innovations in the health sector, obstacles faced and how to deal with them. By analyzing the main elements of diffusion of innovation, supported by public relations concept and health communication, the results of this study show that KICKS has considered 4 main elements of diffusion of innovation, which include, innovation, communication channels, time, and the social system. Where KICKS public relations form a strategy by maximizing the use of opinion leaders. Using mass media, new media, and interpersonal communication as the communication channel. The messages are also formed by considering the characteristics of innovation, and for now, the HPV vaccination introduction by KICKS is generally at the persuasion stage in the innovation-decision process.

Keywords: Health Communication, HPV Vaccination, Diffusion of Innovation.