Monthly Archives: August 2020

Webinar Book Discussion “Media Ethics”

By |2021-06-10T10:24:47+00:00August 27th, 2020|NEWS, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

Research Centre kembali mengadakan webinar book discussion “Media Ethics” melalui aplikasi Google meet & live di Youtube LSPR Jakarta pada hari kamis, 27 Agustus 2020 pukul 14.00 – 16.00 WIB. • Diskusi di bulan Juni ini membahas buku yang berjudul Media Ethics bersama pembicara dari Dosen-Dosen LSPR, Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia dan Ikatan Jurnalis Televisi Indonesia. [...]

The Communication Pattern of Transnational Terrorist Group: A Study Case of JamaahAnsharutDaulah (JAD) Indonesia – Muhammad AfifYanfa Ananta, Rudi Sukandar

By |2021-06-03T09:59:48+00:00August 10th, 2020|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

ABSTRACT The spread of radical ideas that led to acts of terrorism is still a big problem in Indonesia. One group that is still the focus of discussion is the JamaahAnsharutDaulah (JAD). Although it has been frozen, this terrorist group allegedly evolved and changed. These changes require a communication process to complete the entire organization [...]

Strategic Marketing in Indonesian Radio Companies: Integrated Radio Brands Communications – Kartika Singarimbun, Siti Karlinah , YuliandreDarwis , DadangRahmatHidayat

By |2021-06-03T09:56:20+00:00August 10th, 2020|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

ABSTRACT The study examined the extent to which radio branding communication activities follow the principle of coordination that characterizes an integrated marketing communication approach. The qualitative exploratory approach entailed in-depth interviews with key informants from three different wellknown youth radio brand companies who were involved in the implementation of radio branding communications in terms of [...]

Implementation of Special Event Strategy Supporting Brand Awareness of Miniso Beauty Product – Alexander Mamby Aruan, Vanessa Tiffany, Sasqia Khaliza Rahmadilla, Santi Delliana

By |2021-06-03T08:13:50+00:00August 7th, 2020|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

ABSTRACT The name Miniso is already familiar to the people of Indonesia. Unfortunately, the fact that Miniso released a beauty product is still unknown to the public. This is proven by searching Miniso Make-Up Indonesia using Google on November 21st, 2018, which only reached 219,000 results. This is due to the lack of publications made [...]

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