Monthly Archives: November 2020

Social Media, Youth and Environmental Low-Risk Activism: A Case Study of Savesharks Indonesia Campaign On Twitter – Hersinta, Adithiyasanti Sofia

By |2021-06-03T08:55:09+00:00November 30th, 2020|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

ABSTRACT The  lack  of  understanding  and  awareness  on  shark’s conservation in Indonesia is still largely found.  Evidently,  it  could  be  seen  from  the massive reducing number of shark’s population, irresponsible  consumption  of  shark  meat,  and constant  activities  on  illegal, unregulated  and unreported shark fishing and finning in Indonesia. On the other hand, shark existence is [...]

Global Capability Framework For The Public Relations and Communication Management Profession: Indonesian Perspective – Rendro Dhani, Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, Yunita Permatasari, Riska Afrianti, Lamria R. Fitriyani

By |2021-01-11T07:49:30+00:00November 1st, 2020|RESEARCH, Research Projects, Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

Executive Summary CREATING a global capability framework (GCF) for the public relations and communication management profession is a global project that has been undertaken in several countries. The GCF is the first and foremost Global Alliance1 project in partnership with the University of Huddersfield, UK, commenced in 2016. To expand the area of study and [...]

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