Executive Summary

CREATING a global capability framework (GCF) for the public relations and communication management profession is a global project that has been undertaken in several countries. The GCF is the first and foremost Global Alliance1 project in partnership with the University of Huddersfield, UK, commenced in 2016. To expand the area of study and obtain a diverse range of findings, some similar research is still in progress in several countries. The present study started from June 2019 to August 2020 with the aim to identify and map the core capabilities most needed by Indonesian PR practitioners in carrying out their profession. The study was organized and conducted by researchers from the London School of Public Relations (LSPR) Communication and Business Institute, Jakarta, Indonesia.

At the time of writing, 15 countries from all seven continents have completed their study which listed the most important or the core capabilities of the PR and communication management profession in their respective countries. As with previous studies, some questions were slightly modified to suit the context and character of participants in this country. But in general, the researchers have followed and used a set of research instruments received from the UK, which are also used by other countries to comply with research standards.

Free open & download report: http://www.lspr.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/GCF-final-20122020.pdf