I. Profile
LSPR Center for Research, Publication, and Community Service (Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi, dan Pengabdian Masyarakat-LPPPM) is an institution under Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR to coordinate all activities related to research, publication, and community service. The Center aims to contribute to the development of scholarship in communication and business fields through research and publication and to assist communities with programs to empower their members in improving their well being. The center also promotes collaboration with national and international partners to create more impactful contribution to the betterment of the society.
Research Focus Criteria
Below are the list of LSPR research criteria:
a. Research topic is included in STIKOM LSPR – Jakarta’s core competency
b. Included as part of National Reseach Agenda and Dikti research declaration
c. Issues and challenges in national, ASEAN, Asia and global scale that related with core competency of STIKOM LSPR – Jakarta
d. Future communication science development, and
e. Implications on national development in social, economy and cultural context.
Organization Structure of Research, Publication, and Community Service LSPR Communication and Business Institute
Director of Research, Publication, and Community Service (LPPPM) : Rudi Sukandar, Ph.D
Head of Research Centre : Rendro Dhani, Ph.D
Administrator of Research Centre : Alfilonia Harwinda, S.I.Kom
Head of Publication Department : Dr. Lestari Nurhajati
Publication Manager : Xenia Angelica Wijayanto, S.H., M.Si
Head of Community Service : Rani Chandra Oktaviani, M.Si
Ass Head of Community Service & Administrative : Ayu Halimatusakinah, S.I.Kom
2. Research Activity
Research Activities of Research and Community Service LSPR – Jakarta is divided into four: 1) Internal Research, 2) External Research, 3) Hibah Dikti Research and 4) Independent Research. Our research approach is applied and basic research in communication field. The result is expected to boost and develop the lecturing material, policy development, or solving problem in communities.
Research Focus
Supporting vision and mission of Research and Community LSPR-Jakarta, our focus are:
1. Communication Studies, including: interpersonal communication, organizational communication, political communication,
2. Public Relations studies, including: PR 2.0, Corporate Reputation, CSR, PR Issue and Crisis, Media Relation, PR Program, PR Ethic
3. Mass Communication studies, including: Media Convergent, Journalism, Digital & Social Media, Literacy Media Massa and Media Online, Film Studies.
4. Marketing Communication studies, including: IMC, Marketing Online, Social Marketing Communications, Consumer Behaviour, Branding.
5. Digital Media Communication & Advertising studies, including: Visual Communication, Advertising Online and Multi Media, Study Semiotic,
6. Performing Arts Communication studies, including: Plan & Production Studies, Music and Sound.
7. International Relation studies, including: Conflict & Negotiation, International Diplomacy, Human Right and Communication , Global Media, International Policy, Popular Communications.
8. Public Information studies, including: Health Communication, Environmental Communications, Public Goods Communication, Government Communication
9. ASEAN Public Relation Studies, including: Public Relations Practices in ASEAN, Communicating Across ASEAN Model, Crisis Communication.
3. Community Service Activities
Below are forms of activities done by Research and Community Service LSPR – Jakarta, it is categorized as following:
A. Education for community
Activities targeted for educating community or to develop the skills and ability of community. (The formats are varies such as training, counselling, upgrading, lecture, guidance and courses).
B. Project management
Is a series of activities that include planning, implementation , monitoring and evaluation within a certain time
C. Design making
Activities that involving concept and planning of artworks.
D. Community empowerment
Community empowerment activities focus on some categories, namely:
- Institution (School, Government, Industry, Company, etc).
- Community (street children, poor society , etc).
- Groups (Small Medium Enterprise, Lecturers, etc).