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So far sujatmiko has created 196 blog entries.

The Indonesia Broadcasting Commission (KPI implementation of internal communication through Public Relations in improving the employee’s work qualities. by Latifah Nurdilah

By |2014-10-20T03:34:18+00:00October 20th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Public Relations, Uncategorized|

Every institution or organization needs a certain method of communication in order to maintain  a relationship with its every member. This research is aimed to study how the Indonesia Broadcasting Commission (KPI) implements its internal communication through public relations in order to improve the employees work quality. The theory used to support this research is [...]

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The Impact of Fashion Blogger’s Credibility and Attractiveness on the Online Shop Reputation (Survey on Facebook Fan Page of Cloth Inc) by Stacy Antares

By |2014-10-20T03:06:03+00:00October 20th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Public Relations, Uncategorized|

The technological world has experienced a very rapid development that brings changes to the way people communicate in society. People previously communicated using letters, now by using the telephone, text messages and internet. The presence of the internet allows people to communicate with each other without being restricted by distance, place or time, so that [...]

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The Effect of Family Planning Campaign Message (Two Childern Are Better) Against Innovation Adoption Society: Causality Study in UPT Puskesmas Pagarsih by Meliana Christin

By |2014-10-20T03:04:13+00:00October 20th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Public Relations, Uncategorized|

World population grows from year to year. The population growth is progressively alarming due to countinous population growth even more than what expected from last year. Result of population explosion is a limited natural ability, so there are no relatively sufficient resources, even pollution increased exceeding what nature can accommodate. Government program to reduce the [...]

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Film As Public Relations Media Promotion to Enhance the Image of Marine Tourism Destination: A Descriptive Qualitative Study on Laskar Pelangi Movie As the Image Marine Tourism of Bangka Belitung Province. by Verawaty

By |2014-10-20T02:36:24+00:00October 20th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Public Relations, Uncategorized|

This study looks at Film As Public Relations Media Promotion to Enhance the Image of Marine Tourism Destination. For a hundred years Bangka Belitung was known as a mining area but since the phenomenal film - Laskar Pelangi was launched, the tourists began to consider Bangka Belitung as a tourist destination. Therefore the Bangka Belitung [...]

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Non-Government Organization Campaign in Expanding Educational Access in Remote Area : A Descriptive Study at Book for Mountain by Ananda Aulia Rahma

By |2014-10-20T02:17:50+00:00October 20th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Public Relations, Uncategorized|

Education is fundamental part in order to improve the quality of life. However, access to education in remote area is still fairly minimal. The problem of limited access in remote areas is not just a government responsibility but also the community. This study focuses on the non- government organization Book for Mountain which is part [...]

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The Representation of Tourism Destination on “Jalan-Jalan Men!” Webseries Video by Cantika Kenanga Wangiandara

By |2014-10-16T06:04:05+00:00October 16th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Marketing, Uncategorized|

In the cultural studies, cultural product is constructed by the creator based on a certain intention. One of the issue is the profit interest of the creator. The phenomenon that happened nowadays is, representation of tourism destination on webseries video by The creator of video, construct a meaning from what he sees that happened [...]

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The Implementation of experiential marketing on Mesin Waktu Generasi 90an event for building community engagement by Albert Utama

By |2014-10-16T05:56:40+00:00October 16th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Marketing, Uncategorized|

Marketing communication has a function not only to promote the sale, but to build a strong bond between the seller and the buyer. In this case, the buyer is not only in the form of individuals, but also in a form of a community. There are so many ways to communicate with the community, one [...]

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By |2014-10-10T06:49:44+00:00October 10th, 2014|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

Last 3-6 June 2014, LSPR represented by Mr. Rino F. Boer following the Conference on Corporate Communication 2014 at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. He is not only present as a participant, but also the opportunity to present a paper entitled “Information versus Relationship: Dominant Factor of Employee Engagement. The Uses of Exploratory [...]


Participate on The International Seminars and Conference 2014 on Islamic Economics and Beyond

By |2014-09-25T07:31:14+00:00September 25th, 2014|Uncategorized, UPDATE|


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Sharing Session on Universum Talent Survey 2014 in Indonesia

By |2014-08-26T04:42:49+00:00August 26th, 2014|Featured, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

Universum Global, sebuah perusahaan research dan consulting yang berbasis di Eropa, AS dan Asia, tahun ini untuk pertama kalinya melakukan talent survey terhadap perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Seperti apa perusahaan yang dianggap atraktif oleh para calon pencari kerja ini? Industri apa yang banyak memikat para pelamar kerja nantinya? Bagaimana profil karier mahasiswa Indonesia saat ini? [...]

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