
About sujatmiko

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So far sujatmiko has created 196 blog entries.


By |2014-03-21T05:15:05+00:00March 21st, 2014|Featured, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

MENYAMBUT PESTA POLITIK 2014: QUO VADIS RUANG PUBLIK? Pembicara: Ignatius Haryanto, founder & senior researcher Lembaga Studi Pers & Pembangunan  Khalayak, selama ini dianggap sebagai kelompok pasif konsumen media. Bagaimana dinamika khalayak dalam merespon berita di media massa, yang penuh dengan kepentingan politik partai dan pemilik media? Apakah khalayak dapat menunjukkan kedaulatannya? Ataukah ada strategi tertentu yang dikembangkan khalayak, ketika [...]


LSPR 5 Minutes Presentation Competition

By |2014-02-19T05:16:38+00:00February 19th, 2014|Uncategorized, UPDATE|

Dear Lecturer, We kindly invite you to join LSPR 5 Minutes Presentation Competition, the event will be held on Thursday, 14 March 2014.   For registration please contact Mery by email [email protected] before 12 March 2014. Please find further information regarding the competition below.

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Publish or Perish

By |2014-02-13T08:46:56+00:00February 13th, 2014|Featured, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

An afternoon discussions at Prof. Margono Research Centre to talk about how to get published in International Journal, our guest speaker is Kevin Adistambha. Kevin Adistambha is a Doctor of Philosophy with major in Electrical Engineering at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He has a wide range of research experience and publication. Kevin has been an [...]

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The Rise and Demise of Portuguese Identities in Southeast Asia (A Case on the “Portuguese” Village of Tugu in Indonesia)

By |2014-02-05T13:22:29+00:00February 5th, 2014|Uncategorized, UPDATE|

Although many centuries have passed since Portugal's Age of Discoveries, enduring hybrid communities are still surviving in places where the Portuguese had been present. For example, during the last three decades,the "Portuguese" village of Tugu in Indonesia had been drawing attention from news media. The traditional music from Tugu, or known as Keroncong Tugu, is [...]

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An Analysis of Power Distribution in An Epic Story (Critical Discourse Analysis of Mahabharata Story)

By |2013-12-04T04:15:17+00:00December 4th, 2013|Abstract Postgraduate, Uncategorized|

An Analysis of Power Distribution in An Epic Story (Critical Discourse Analysis of Mahabharata Story) This research focused on the analysis of power distribution in Mahabharata epic story (both Indian and Indonesian versions) with critical discourse analysis as the applied research method. The research objectives are to analyze how power is distributed between genders and [...]

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The Role of Facebook as Social Media in Creating Brand Equity

By |2013-12-04T04:12:59+00:00December 4th, 2013|Abstract Postgraduate, Uncategorized|

The Role of Facebook as Social Media in Creating Brand Equity of a Product This research would explain about the role of Facebook as social media in creating brand equity of Anmum product. The purpose of this research is to know how Facebook could increase brand awareness, brand images, brand responses, and brand relationship as [...]

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Nurturing Leadership Communication

By |2013-12-04T04:04:09+00:00December 4th, 2013|Abstract Postgraduate, Uncategorized|

Nurturing Leadership Communication In An Indonesian Islamic Boarding School (A Pondok Pesantren - Waheeda Bt. Abdul Rahman The purpose of this research is to understand how leadership communication is nurtured in this organization, which provides free education, food, lodgings and medication for more than sixteen thousand underprivileged students from all over Indonesia. The methodology of [...]

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Marginalization of Independence Band

By |2013-12-04T03:52:16+00:00December 4th, 2013|Abstract Postgraduate, Uncategorized|

Marginalization of Independence Band (Critical Discourse Analysis to "150 Lagu Indonesia Terbaik" Rolling Stone Indonesia Magazine) - Tiffany Warrantyasri Media has an important role as an information source for the society. We don't realize that there are other implications from producing a text, and somehow it's a negative publication according to the media hegemony. This [...]

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RC Team Goes to IGF 2013

By |2013-12-04T03:38:37+00:00December 4th, 2013|Uncategorized, UPDATE|

The 8th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) held in Bali, on October 22-25th 2013, is an annual open forum for multi-stakeholder dialogue on public policy. This is a global event where the Internet governance community, ranging from civil society, government and industry, exchanged best practices and discussed a wide range of key topics suach as Internet [...]

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Frames, Orientalism and Media Flame

By |2013-12-04T03:37:16+00:00December 4th, 2013|Uncategorized, UPDATE|

Indonesia and Australia are de-facto neighbours but they live in a two different world. Never since East Timor crisis in 1999 that the two countries face a serious diplomatic issue as it is now. With crisis escalates (diplomatically) by day, it is interesting to see how and what role the media played. This was the [...]

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