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Imanuel Enrico Hutagalung M.Sc
Research interest : Marketing, Entrepreneurship and International Marketing Biography: Imanuel Enrico Hutagalung M.Sc graduated from Master of Science (M.Sc) at University of Wolverhampton-United Kingdom majoring Marketing. He is lecturer at London School of Public Relations – Jakarta. He teaches several subjects, for example ; Entrepreneurship Project, Team & Project Management, Selling & Sales Management, Introduction [...]
Yohannes Don Bosco Doho, S.Phil.MM
Biography Yohannes Don Bosco Doho Graduated from STIE-IBEK Jakarta Majoring Human Resources Management. He is a Lecturer, Researcher and Expert Assistant. He teach Logical and Sciene Philosophy, Logical and Philosophy Communication and Ethics Communication. Research Interest: Communication Ethics, Human Resources Management Research’s Project: 2014. Ethics Communication In Marriage Couple Different Cultures 2013. Ethics Communication In [...]
Yolanda Stellarosa, M.Si
Research Interest: Journalism Studies, Media Literacy and Interpersonal Communication Biography: Yolanda Stellarosa graduated from Magister of Science (M.Si) at University of Indonesia (UI), majoring in Communication. She currently take Doctorate program at University of Sahid, majoring in communication. She teaches several subjects, for instance Methodology of Qualitative and the Methodology of Quantitative Research at LSPR- [...]
Elke Alexandrina, MSc.
Research Interest : Marketing, Marketing Communication, Public Relations, and New Media Biography: Elke Alexandrina graduated her bachelor degree from Arizona State University, majoring Management Information System and she took master of science (MSc) at Western International University, majoring Management Information System. She teaches several subjects such as Marketing Online, PR Online, Kapita Selekta Marketing, Introduction [...]
Albert, M.Si
Research interest : Social Media, Technology, Online Marketing and Marketing Communication Biography : Albert Graduated from Magister Sains (M.Si) at The London School of Public Relations. He is a lecture and Thesis Coordinator for Acceleration Honor Program at The London School of Public Relations, Jakarta. He teaches several subjects, the Methodology of Quantitative Research and [...]
Olivia Deliani Hutagaol, M.Si
Research interest : New Media Communinication & Technology, Community, Fusion of Creativity, Advertising Ethics and Design Thinking. Biography: Olivia Deliani Hutagaol is a lecturer and Associate Dean of Digital Media Communication & Advertising at LSPR. Olivia’s professional background is in Advertising, Graphic Design and Creative Industry. She joined LSPR in September 2006 as part of [...]
Mohamad Alppy Valdez, A.Md., S.sos., MMC
Research interest : Communication and Public Relations Biography : Mohamad Alppy Valdez graduated from Master of Marketing Communication at Canberra University, Australia. He is a Lecturer, researcher and Dean Campus A at The London School of Public Relations, Jakarta. He teaches several subjects, PR & Publicity, Introduction to Promotion at STIKOM LSPR-Jakarta. Researcher’s Project 2013, [...]