Public Relations

The Effect of Family Planning Campaign Message (Two Childern Are Better) Against Innovation Adoption Society: Causality Study in UPT Puskesmas Pagarsih by Meliana Christin

By |2014-10-20T03:04:13+00:00October 20th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Public Relations, Uncategorized|

World population grows from year to year. The population growth is progressively alarming due to countinous population growth even more than what expected from last year. Result of population explosion is a limited natural ability, so there are no relatively sufficient resources, even pollution increased exceeding what nature can accommodate. Government program to reduce the [...]

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Film As Public Relations Media Promotion to Enhance the Image of Marine Tourism Destination: A Descriptive Qualitative Study on Laskar Pelangi Movie As the Image Marine Tourism of Bangka Belitung Province. by Verawaty

By |2014-10-20T02:36:24+00:00October 20th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Public Relations, Uncategorized|

This study looks at Film As Public Relations Media Promotion to Enhance the Image of Marine Tourism Destination. For a hundred years Bangka Belitung was known as a mining area but since the phenomenal film - Laskar Pelangi was launched, the tourists began to consider Bangka Belitung as a tourist destination. Therefore the Bangka Belitung [...]

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Non-Government Organization Campaign in Expanding Educational Access in Remote Area : A Descriptive Study at Book for Mountain by Ananda Aulia Rahma

By |2014-10-20T02:17:50+00:00October 20th, 2014|Abstract Undergraduate, Public Relations, Uncategorized|

Education is fundamental part in order to improve the quality of life. However, access to education in remote area is still fairly minimal. The problem of limited access in remote areas is not just a government responsibility but also the community. This study focuses on the non- government organization Book for Mountain which is part [...]

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External Communication Strategy of Public Service Company in Socializing Maintenance Works Plan

By |2013-11-14T04:29:01+00:00November 14th, 2013|Public Relations, Uncategorized|

External Communication Strategy of Public Service Company in Socializing Maintenance Works Plan (Descriptive Study to Pejompongan Manifold Pipe Maintenance Works that Dated on 23-25 September 2009 by PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya) In the era of global competition, consumers’ demands for product and service quality improvement are enhanced as their paradigm has become more critical. Therefore [...]

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The Role of Public Relations After Bombing Incident

By |2013-11-14T04:27:31+00:00November 14th, 2013|Public Relations, Uncategorized|

The Role of Public Relations After Bombing Incident at Ritz Calton and J.W Mariott Hotel (Descriptive Study PT. Java Festival Production in Java Rockin’land 2009 Event) This research uncovers the role of PT. Java Festival Production’s Public Relations when holding an international rock music festival called Gudang Garam Internasional Java Rockin’land 2009. This festival took [...]

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The Effectiveness of Sponsorship On Television Programme

By |2013-11-14T04:18:42+00:00November 14th, 2013|Public Relations, Uncategorized|

The Effectiveness of Sponsorship On Television Programme Against Brand Awareness (Case Study: In the Program Events "Take Me Out of Indonesia" on Brand Product Awareness "Kuku Bima Energi") In development formerly advertising is known to build brands, but now Public Relations have moved avertising position. One type of crowded public relations has been used recently [...]

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The Role of Community Relations Program in Telecommunication Company

By |2013-10-18T13:05:53+00:00October 18th, 2013|Public Relations, Uncategorized|

The Role of Community Relations Program in Telecommunication Company with Fiber-optic- Based Technology in Improving Internet Customer Trust (Descriptive Study on the Internet Subsidy of Biznet Networks) This study discusses about the role of Community Relations programs in telecommunications companies with fiber-optic-based technology to improve customer trust in the company. The research was conducted in [...]

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