Internal Workshop LPPM 2018: Penyusunan Proposal Hibah Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

By |2018-03-28T10:43:10+00:00March 28th, 2018|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS, NEWS, RESEARCH, UPDATE|

Internal Workshop LPPM 2018 Perguruan tinggi berkewajiban menyelenggarakan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat disamping melaksanakan pendidikan sebagaimana diamanahkan oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Pasal 20. Sejalan dengan kewajiban tersebut, Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi Pasal 45 menegaskan bahwa penelitian di perguruan tinggi diarahkan untuk mengembangkan [...]

Pelatihan & Pembinaan Penggiat Anti Narkoba di Lingkungan Pendidikan oleh BNN

By |2018-03-26T03:49:55+00:00March 26th, 2018|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS|

LPPM LSPR-Jakarta kembali mendukung Pelatihan & Pembinaan Penggiat Anti Narkoba di Lingkungan Pendidikan yang diselenggarakan oleh Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) Kota Jakarta Timur pada hari Rabu, 14 Maret 2018 di Hotel Dafam Teraskita, Cawang, Jakarta Timur. Peserta acara ini merupakan guru BK dari 22 Sekolah Menengah Pertama yang tersebar di Kota Jakarta Timur. Kegiatan [...]

Public Speaking Training for KKM Keuskupan Bogor

By |2018-03-22T04:14:35+00:00March 19th, 2018|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS|

LSPR’s Research and Community Service Centre (LPPM) in cooperation with Karya Kerasukan Misioner Keuskupan Bogor held a Public Speaking Training on Sunday, 25th February 2018 at Sekolah Mardi Waluya Cibinong, Bogor. This training was attended by 20 general missionaries’ candidates which incorporated in group category: Karya Kerasulan Misioner Keuskupan Bogor. These candidates consist of youngsters [...]

Public Speaking Training for Counseling Guidance Teachers from Junior and Senior High School of Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Aliyah’s with LPPM LSPR – Jakarta

By |2017-12-15T04:02:24+00:00December 15th, 2017|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS|

Jakarta, December 13, 2017. Still in the same in cooperation, LPPM LSPR – Jakarta with BNN DKI Jakarta held another Public Speaking Training in order to socialize the P4GN (Pencegahan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba) Policy implementation in North Jakarta area. This time, the participants are approximately 30 counselling guidance teachers from Junior and [...]

Public Speaking Training for BNN North Jakarta’s Anti-Drugs Activists with LPPM LSPR – Jakarta

By |2017-12-15T03:55:32+00:00December 15th, 2017|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS|

Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) LSPR - Jakarta in cooperation with Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) DKI Jakarta held a Public Speaking Training for publics again after the last successful training at BNN East Jakarta. This time, LPPM LSPR had an opportunity to give Public Speaking Training for Anti-Drugs activists in BNN North Jakarta, as [...]

LSPR – Jakarta Lecturers Provide Public Speaking Training for Prodiakons, Prodiakon Candidates, Lectors, and Psalmist of Paroki Keluarga Kudus Cibinong, Bogor

By |2017-12-13T04:18:27+00:00December 13th, 2017|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS|

Saturday, November 25, 2017. LPPM LSPR - Jakarta in cooperation with Pastoral Council of Paroki Keluarga Kudus Cibinong held a Public Speaking Training for Prodiakons, Prodiakon Candidates, Lectors, and Psalmist in order to make them feel more confident in providing service to God's people in Paroki, Region and Categorical Group. The participants who have diverse [...]

LSPR – Jakarta Lecturers Provide Public Speaking Skills for Anti-Drug Volunteers

By |2017-12-13T04:22:25+00:00November 20th, 2017|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS, NEWS|

Public Speaking Skills for Anti-Drug Volunteers LPPM LSPR - Jakarta in cooperation with Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN), East Jakarta, held a Public Speaking Training series for volunteers who will become the anti-narcotics agents which consists from various society background. This training cooperation has been conducted for 4 times, from 1st Batch on 8th August 2017; [...]

Excellent Service Training for RSCM Kirana

By |2017-12-13T04:23:57+00:00November 20th, 2017|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS, NEWS|

LPPM LSPR - Jakarta in collaboration with RSCM Kirana held a series of Excellent In-house Training Service for 3 days, started from Wednesday, 14th June 2017 to Thursday, 15th June 2017 and continued on Monday, 19th June 2017. This In-house Training was attended by more than 100 employees of RSCM Kirana which aims to improve [...]


By |2017-03-15T09:49:28+00:00March 4th, 2016|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

Centre for ASEAN Public Relations Studies (CAPRS) held a “2 Days Workshop” which consists of Visual Public Speaking, which was held on the February 24th 2016 and Social Media For Business, which was held the day after. This workshop was a form of contribution from CAPRS for Indonesian youngsters so that their knowledge in regards [...]


LSPR Lecturer’s Community Service: visiting Rumah Ramah Panti Yatim & Dhuafa

By |2017-03-15T09:50:37+00:00March 1st, 2016|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

Friday, February 19th 2016 was my special day because I had an amazing experience to teach English and Presentation Skill at orphanage house Rumah Ramah Panti Yatim & Dhuafa. It located at Jl. Karet Tengsin No. 36 Jakarta. There were about 11 kids over there and they are all girls. I was working in team [...]

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