Dr. Olivier Nyirubugara Visit LPPM LSPR – Jakarta

By |2018-05-11T05:15:04+00:00May 11th, 2018|NEWS|

From April 23 to May 5, 2018, LSPR – Jakarta welcomed Dr Olivier Nyirubugara from The Hague University of Applied Science as an exchange lecturer in the field of Journalism, Media Theory & International Communication Management. Dr. Olivier visited LSPR - Jakarta In the visit, Dr. Oliver brought new ideas for the university how to [...]

Konferensi Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat bidang Komunikasi (KNP2K)

By |2018-04-06T05:07:23+00:00April 6th, 2018|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS, NEWS, RESEARCH, UPDATE|

Dear Sivitas Academica, Panitia Konferensi Nasional Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Komunikasi (KNP2K) London School of Public Relations – Jakarta bermaksud mengundang Bapak/Ibu/Sdr/i untuk berpartisipasi sebagai pemakalah maupun peserta KNKPP 2018, yang akan diselenggarakan pada : Hari, tanggal      : Rabu & Kamis, 5 & 6 September 2018 Tempat            [...]

Internal Workshop LPPM 2018: Penyusunan Proposal Hibah Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

By |2018-03-28T10:43:10+00:00March 28th, 2018|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS, NEWS, RESEARCH, UPDATE|

Internal Workshop LPPM 2018 Perguruan tinggi berkewajiban menyelenggarakan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat disamping melaksanakan pendidikan sebagaimana diamanahkan oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional Pasal 20. Sejalan dengan kewajiban tersebut, Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi Pasal 45 menegaskan bahwa penelitian di perguruan tinggi diarahkan untuk mengembangkan [...]

LSPR – Jakarta Lecturers Provide Public Speaking Skills for Anti-Drug Volunteers

By |2017-12-13T04:22:25+00:00November 20th, 2017|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS, NEWS|

Public Speaking Skills for Anti-Drug Volunteers LPPM LSPR - Jakarta in cooperation with Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN), East Jakarta, held a Public Speaking Training series for volunteers who will become the anti-narcotics agents which consists from various society background. This training cooperation has been conducted for 4 times, from 1st Batch on 8th August 2017; [...]

Excellent Service Training for RSCM Kirana

By |2017-12-13T04:23:57+00:00November 20th, 2017|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS, NEWS|

LPPM LSPR - Jakarta in collaboration with RSCM Kirana held a series of Excellent In-house Training Service for 3 days, started from Wednesday, 14th June 2017 to Thursday, 15th June 2017 and continued on Monday, 19th June 2017. This In-house Training was attended by more than 100 employees of RSCM Kirana which aims to improve [...]

Review: Monthly Discussion “Kebuntuan Komunikasi di Ruang Publik”

By |2017-10-16T07:34:48+00:00October 16th, 2017|NEWS, RESEARCH|

March 8, 2017 by nimadeega Bertempat di Research Centre, lantai 2 Kampus C LSPR Jakarta, pada 24 Februari 2017 diselenggarakan Diskusi Bulanan bertema “”Kebuntuan Komunikasi di Ruang Publik.”” Diskusi ini ingin mencermati mengapa publik Jakarta makin sulit berkomunikasi dan bagaimana mendorong agar publik menjadi komunikatif sekaligus kritis. Menghadirkan pembicara Ari S Widodo, Ph.D selaku dosen [...]

Review Klinik Penelitian #1

By |2017-10-16T06:27:53+00:00October 16th, 2017|NEWS, RESEARCH|

Dr. J.A. Wempi Sebagai Pembicara   March 29, 2017 by nimadeega Untuk pertama kali, Research Centre LSPR menyelenggarakan Klinik Penelitian pada 17 Maret 2017 dengan tema “Meneliti: Sulitkah?”. Pada kesempatan tersebut, Dr. J. A. Wempi, M.Si menyampaikan pandangan-pandangannya dan berdiskusi dengan para peserta. Disampaikan oleh Dr Wempi bahwa terdapat 3 kriteria desain penelitian. [...]

Excellent Knowledge and Performance in ASEAN

By |2017-02-24T09:01:19+00:00August 18th, 2016|Centre For ASEAN Public Relations Studies, NEWS, Uncategorized|

On Tuesday, 9 August 2016, LSPR Centre for Asean PR Studies held a workshop for notaries entitled Excellent Knowledge and Performance in ASEAN that was held at Room 3, Campus C LSPR. Ms. Aprida explaining about Media Handling and Promotions the plaque of appreciation was given to Ms. Janette by Ms. Yuliana The workshop started [...]

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Diplomacy is PR

By |2017-02-24T09:01:32+00:00July 20th, 2016|Centre For ASEAN Public Relations Studies, NEWS, Uncategorized|

In the discussion that was held on Friday, 22 April 2016 at Research Center. London School of Public Relations held a seminar “ASEAN Talks” which discusses special diplomacy in the ASEAN countries. The speaker presented the topic in casual way Mr.Emil Radhiansyah (key speakers of international relations) stated that the benefit from the discussion topic was [...]

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The Dynamic Journey 25thASEAN-China Dialogue Relations in Public Relations Perspective

By |2017-02-24T10:00:03+00:00July 20th, 2016|Centre For ASEAN Public Relations Studies, NEWS, Uncategorized|

from left: Mr. Kemal Effendi Gani, Grup Chief Editor Swa Media Inc, Mrs. Prita Kemal Gani, Founder and Director of LSPR Jakarta, H.E Dr. AKP Mochtan, Deputy Secretary General for Community and Corporate Affairs Department and his wife Mrs. Mita Mochtan, Dr. Rino F Boer, Director of Postgraduate Program LSPR Jakarta and Mrs. Yuliana Riana [...]

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